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Wide Body

P-6033 - Green Pin® Sling Shackles

wide body
wide body diagram
  • Material: bow and pin alloy steel, grade 8, quenched, and tempered
  • Safety factor: MBL equals 5 x WLL
  • Finish: shackle bow painted silver, pin painted green
  • Temperature range : -20 °C up to +200 °C
  • Certification: 2.1 2.2 3.1 MTCb* LROS* MPIb* USb* CE
Product Description
Working Load Limit Diameter bow Diameter pin Diameter eye Width eye Width inside Length inside Width bow Length Length bolt Width Thickness nut Bearing surface Weight each
t a b c d e f g h i j k l kg
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
22 22 46 19 32 962 64 153 115 110 19 41 2
28 28 61 25 44 121 82 197 151 146 24 54 4
35 35 69 30 54 148 102 239 175 180 29 64 7
40 42 90 35 69 165 126 279 211 200 34 79 13
55 51 109 45 84 199 140 331 252 235 38 97 21
60 57 115 55 90 240 160 389 299 270 45 100 30
68 70 125 54 110 290 185 473 327 317 54 120 48
85 80 154 85 137 366 220 583 426 390 64 150 92
94 95 179 89 147 391 253 645 435 434 50 170 140
110 105 199 100 158 481 280 759 470 482 50 205 205
126 120 227 110 179 542 300 859 519 530 60 240 264
135 134 245 122 195 601 350 947 575 620 70 265 360
160 160 293 145 231 576 370 985 675 690 80 320 580
170 180 328 160 263 681 450 1131 748 790 90 339 780
190 200 348 170 289 741 490 1234 809 865 100 370 980
200 215 392 190 315 751 540 1284 879 901 100 400 1360
218 230 420 200 342 851 554 1426 942 947 110 420 1430
242 255 466 220 368 851 580 1488 1023 1023 120 440 1650
260 270 490 240 399 851 614 1532 1103 1107 120 460 2970
285 300 510 260 454 931 650 1666 1227 1182 150 530 3700
285 320 550 280 483 950 680 1710 1300 1253 150 560 4000
Product Description
Working Load Limit Diameter bow Diameter pin Diameter eye Width eye Width inside Length inside Width bow Length Length bolt Width Thickness nut Bearing surface Weight each
t a b c d e f g h i j k l kg
inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch
7/8 7/8 1 13/16 3/4 1 9/32 3 25/32 2 17/32 6 4 17/32 4 5/16 3/4 1 5/18 4.41
1 1/8 1 1/8 2 3/8 1 1 3/4 4 3/4 3 1/4 7 3/4 5 15/16 5 3/4 15/16 2 1/8 8.82
1 3/8 1 3/8 2 23/32 1 3/16 2 1/8 5 13/16 4 1/32 9 13/32 6 7/8 7 3/32 1 5/32 2 17/32 18
1 9/16 1 21/32 3 17/32 1 3/8 2 23/32 6 1/2 4 31/32 10 31/32 8 5/16 7 7/8 1 11/32 3 1/8 29
2 5/32 2 4 9/32 1 25/32 3 5/16 7 27/32 5 1/2 13 1/32 9 29/32 9 1/4 1 1/2 3 13/16 46
2 3/8 2 1/4 4 17/32 2 5/32 3 17/32 9 7/16 6 5/16 15 5/16 11 25/32 10 5/8 1 25/32 3 15/16 66
2 11/16 2 3/4 4 29/32 2 1/8 4 11/32 11 13/32 7 9/32 18 5/8 12 7/8 12 15/32 2 1/8 4 23/32 106
3 11/32 3 5/32 6 1/16 3 11/32 5 13/32 14 13/32 8 21/32 22 15/16 16 25/32 15 11/32 2 17/32 5 29/32 203
3 11/16 3 3/4 7 1/16 3 1/2 5 25/32 15 13/32 9 31/32 25 13/32 17 1/8 17 3/32 1 31/32 6 11/16 309
4 11/32 4 1/8 7 27/32 3 15/16 6 7/32 18 15/16 11 1/32 29 7/8 18 1/2 18 31/32 1 31/32 8 1/16 452
4 31/32 4 23/32 8 15/16 4 11/32 7 1/16 21 11/32 11 13/16 33 13/16 20 7/16 20 7/8 2 3/8 9 7/16 582
5 5/16 5 9/32 9 21/32 4 13/16 7 11/16 23 21/32 13 25/32 37 9/32 22 5/8 24 13/32 2 3/4 10 7/16 794
6 5/16 6 5/16 11 17/32 5 23/32 9 3/32 22 11/16 14 9/16 38 25/32 26 9/16 27 5/32 3 5/32 12 19/32 1279
6 11/16 7 3/32 12 29/32 6 5/16 10 11/32 26 13/16 17 23/32 44 17/32 29 7/16 31 3/32 3 17/32 13 11/32 1720
6 11/16 7 3/32 12 29/32 6 5/16 10 11/32 26 13/16 17 23/32 44 17/32 29 7/16 31 3/32 3 17/32 13 11/32 1720
7 15/32 7 7/8 13 11/16 6 11/16 11 3/8 29 3/16 19 9/32 48 19/32 31 27/32 34 1/16 3 15/16 14 9/16 2161
7 7/8 8 15/32 15 7/16 7 15/32 12 13/32 29 9/16 21 1/4 50 9/16 34 19/32 35 15/32 3 15/16 15 3/4 2998
8 19/32 9 1/16 16 17/32 7 7/8 13 15/32 33 1/2 21 13/16 56 5/32 37 3/32 37 9/32 4 11/32 16 17/32 3153
9 17/32 10 1/32 18 11/32 8 21/32 14 1/2 33 1/2 22 27/32 58 19/32 40 9/32 40 9/32 4 23/32 17 5/16 3638
10 1/4 10 5/8 19 9/32 9 7/16 15 23/32 33 1/2 24 3/16 60 5/16 43 7/16 43 19/32 4 23/32 18 1/8 6548
11 7/32 11 13/16 20 3/32 10 1/4 17 25/32 36 21/32 25 19/32 65 19/16 48 5/16 46 17/32 5 29/32 20 7/8 8157
11 7/32 12 19/32 21 21/32 11 1/32 19 1/32 37 13/32 26 25/32 67 5/16 51 3/16 49 11/32 5 29/32 22 1/16 8818

Pacific Gulf Wire Rope, Inc.
Corporate Address: 1504 Engineers Road
Belle Chasse, LA 70037
Phone: (504) 341-0066

Golden Meadow
Address: 580 A.O. Rappelet Road
Golden Meadow, LA 70357
Phone: (985) 396-2364

Address: 35598 Highway 30
Geismar, LA 70734
Phone: (225) 450-9012

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